Fayetteville Arsenal

Name Street Town State From To
Fayetteville Arsenal   Fayetteville North Carolina    

Patent Date Remarks

Contract for

see Fayetteville Armory Pistols and Rifles

On April 22, 1861, the Fayetteville Arsenal which taken by the Confederate. 32,678 muskets and 3,685 rifles were confiscated.

At first the armory fabricated captured gun parts from Harper’s Ferry and converted flintlock arms to percussion.

The firsty production of rifles, marked 1861 and 1862, were made from captured Harper’s Ferry parts.
The second production type lockplate is less humpbacked, dated 1862, and made form Harper’s Ferry parts.
Total production of the Fayetteville Armory was over 10,000 rifles, marked on the lock "Fayetteville, N.C." above the eagle and "CSA" under the eagle. It was .58 caliber with a 33" barrel and 49" in total length.

Fayetteville assembled a few hundred Model 1855 pistol-carbines from the captured parts from Harper’s Ferry.

In March of 1865, the machinery was moved to Chatham Country. Within two months the Yankees found the machinery and transferred it to Raleigh.